Thinking Like a Writing Student
Written by Koda Christensen Every writer has their own creative process. Despite being in the same Humber College program, creative and professional writing, students have all lear
It’s the Pawn’s Fault
An intelligent and ever-superior alpha of the human race must battle against the scourge of wokeness to lead the Pawns to a good life.
Ode to the Tormentors
Geoffrey Mendelssohn - Ode to the Tormentors
Of All the Things Jay Taught Me
By Cameron Graham - Jay Caguiat came into my life when I least expected it. He was my best friend.
Love Day Shenanigans: Creating Swoon-Worthy Love Interests, Part II
A love interest can make or break your romance plot. The great news is there are some tried and true methods you can use to make your readers go crazy for them. Part 2.
Love Day Shenanigans: Creating Swoon-Worthy Love Interests, Part I
A love interest can make or break your romance plot. The great news is that there are some tried and true methods you can use to make your readers go crazy for your love interests.
Control the Narrative Using Your Art
Being a creative means having a dedicated avenue through which to control the narrative and tell your story your way.